An absolute classic "Bocage" greenlane, one could devout a whole blog to this alone (might do that one day). Most laners start at the west end going downhill into Glyn Ceriog ,although either way is possible. Starts off just a farmers track, but quickly turns into a deep gorge with the base been a V shape (hence the name), due to the stream which runs down the middle. Very narrow with tree roots sticking out you can definitely expect damage, in fact I've never been with group with hasn't suffered some damage.
CB aerials, roof racks, mirrors, tires, windows ,lights, snorkels soon get ripped off. Drivers who have never done this type of lane before quickly get disorientated due to the poor light and overhead tree cover, so expect a "roll over"., Although safe, ie no drop, recovery is made difficult by lack of space. In parts its impossible to open the doors, so soft tops any advantage, climbing over trucks (or under) is common, as the banks are impossible to climb due to the loose earth. Photo shoots made worse by the poor light, although in recent years the vegeation has been cut back. At the east end (bottom) the lane leads out straight into the narrow lanes of Glyn Ceriog, so make sure if in a group everyone knows where to go next as some will have lost comms cause of broken CB aerials. It is possible to loop at either end and go back, plus at the at the bottom there's a convenient hard flat standing just before the UCR to fix punctured tires, you'll not fix them on the lane!
CB aerials, roof racks, mirrors, tires, windows ,lights, snorkels soon get ripped off. Drivers who have never done this type of lane before quickly get disorientated due to the poor light and overhead tree cover, so expect a "roll over"., Although safe, ie no drop, recovery is made difficult by lack of space. In parts its impossible to open the doors, so soft tops any advantage, climbing over trucks (or under) is common, as the banks are impossible to climb due to the loose earth. Photo shoots made worse by the poor light, although in recent years the vegeation has been cut back. At the east end (bottom) the lane leads out straight into the narrow lanes of Glyn Ceriog, so make sure if in a group everyone knows where to go next as some will have lost comms cause of broken CB aerials. It is possible to loop at either end and go back, plus at the at the bottom there's a convenient hard flat standing just before the UCR to fix punctured tires, you'll not fix them on the lane!
West end (top) SJ189382; east end (bottom) SJ200382
At the bottom if you turn right (west) and proceed to the mini-roundabout there's some toilets, and a shop with a convenient off road place to fix your truck!
(bocage from the French - look it up its on wilipailea)
(bocage from the French - look it up its on wilipailea)